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5 Tips to Create a Smooth-flowing Chart

5 Tips to Create a Smooth-flowing Chart

Flowcharts are usually the go-to medium when it comes to showing a process. However, it should be presented in a clear way so it won’t confuse the viewer or audience.

Here are 5 tips to create a smooth-flowing chart.

Stick with a Single Element

As tempting as it might be to use all available fonts and shapes in a flowchart, you’re better off using a single design element. Find your desired element in these flowchart symbols and use only one of them for consistency.

Fit Everything in One Page

It’s always a good idea to fit all the steps or processes in one page. At the same time, the text should remain readable and concise.

If this isn’t possible, then you can divide it into several charts and tie them together via hyperlinks.

Consider Split Path Instead of a Diamond

A diamond is usually the symbol of choice when constructing a decision flowchart, but you may want to use a split path instead.

With a diamond, the left to right path gets broken up and may not be as intuitive as a split path design. Furthermore, most viewers are familiar with square and triangle in flowcharts, and introducing a diamond might serve to confuse them.

Top to Bottom and Left to Right

These two flowchart designs are the most intuitive and easiest to read, so make sure to incorporate either in your creation.

Humans naturally read text top to bottom and left to right, so it makes perfect sense that you make your flowchart this way. In the same vein, if you ever need to do return lines it’s best to place them at the bottom.

Look at Online Examples

To gain an idea of what flowchart looks great you can view several examples on the internet. Choose one that works with your content and go from there.

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