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American Video Game Regulation – What Gamers Should Know

American Video Game Regulation – What Gamers Should Know

As millions of teenagers, children, and young people spend their downtime playing video games, government officials are working on new regulations. Why are video games regulated? Video game regulations are put in place to protect children from exposure to explicit and violent content. Unfortunately, government regulations are not always enough to keep video games, with explicit content out of the hands of young children. Therefore, government officials encourage parental involvement. When government regulations are combined with parental monitoring, everyone can breathe easier. Children are the future, which makes it even more important to protect them from graphic content.

Child Advocates Call For More Regulations

The American gaming industry, also known as “Big Game,” is one of Congress’ biggest lobbyists. The industry is continuously trying to entice Congress to deregulate in an effort to improve mass appeal. Child advocates encourage the industry to speak with parents and children on a one-on-one basis to convince them that playing violent video games, over time, builds character.

According to statistics, 74% of mothers play video games like สล็อตเว็บตรง. There is no doubt, that not all video game is bad. In fact, there are genres geared toward academics like Brainiversity, Math Blaster Series, and Bookworm.

Video games have a broad range of benefits. Video games help improve manual dexterity, eye-hand coordination, social skills, and multitasking skills. Thanks to government regulations, parents can easily differentiate between violent and educational video games.

Why Developers Volunteer To Rate Their Video Games?

The answer is fairly simple. Video games stores like GameStop, Game Masters, Phantom of the Attic Games, and GOG will not stock titles that are not rated. This is not to mention the top US retailers like Target, Costco, Sam’s Club, and Walmart. None of these retailers will touch an unrated video game.

The move forces developers to rate their video games. Those who refuse to rate their video games are left with little to no integral outlets capable of reaching consumers.

If a developer cannot reach the right markets, all their work will be flushed down the drain. So, adding a rating to their video game titles ensures they reach their targeted markets. Of course, there are a few electronics stores that do sell unrated titles.

Entertainment Software Rating Board “ESRB”

In 1994, Canadian and American government officials banned together to create the Entertainment Software Association “ESA.” The organization self-regulates video games by assigning content and age ratings to titles sold in Canada and the United States. The ESA developed the Entertainment Software Rating Board “ESRB,” which assigns six ratings that parents should know like the backs of their hands.

Early Childhood ESRB Rating

The ESRB Early Childhood rating targets video game titles that are suitable for young children between the ages of 6 and 8. These video games titles are suitable for all young children because they do not contain explicit or violent content.

Teen ESRB Rating

The Teen ESRB rating targets video game titles that are suitable for teenagers 13 years of age and older. These video games are suitable for all adolescents 13 and older. They are not suitable for children.

Everyone 10+ ESRB Rating

The Everyone 10+ ESRB rating targets video game titles suitable for everyone 10 years of age and older. This basically means everyone can play the titles that fall under this rating as long as they are at least 10 years old. The titles are not suitable for children 9 years old or younger.

Mature ESRB Rating

The Mature ESRB rating targets video game titles suitable for teenagers 17 years of age and older. Teenagers 16 years old and younger should avoid all titles rated Mature because they consist of some explicit content.

Adult ESRB Rating

The Adult ESRB rating targets video game titles suitable for teenagers 18 years old and older. In other words, teens and children 17 years old and younger should stay clear of the video game titles rated Adult.


Some government officials and children advocacy groups do not think so. Like all organizations, manipulation is a major issue. There is also the fact that ESRB raters do not sit down and play video games before rating them. This is a major issue that leaves loopholes in the ESRB rating system.

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