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Guide to Hong Kong’s Employment Visa Requirements

Guide to Hong Kong's Employment Visa Requirements

Hong Kong is a great place to do business. The government has established a favorable atmosphere for employment, and the taxing system is one of the finest in the world, providing an excellent environment for foreign enterprises. This region’s favorable business climate, attractive development prospects, and educational resources attract even more international executives.

You may now rest assured that the most difficult aspect of your move to Hong Kong is over. There’s just one more thing to think about. Your employment visa hong kong must be resolved.

Fortunately, the Hong Kong immigration procedure is not complicated. Continue reading to learn all you need to know about obtaining a hong kong working visa in Hong Kong.

What is an employment visa?

A separate work permit system is available to businesses in Hong Kong that wish to hire foreign workers for particular responsibilities. The Basic Professional License is an employment license that allows its holders to work as teachers in Hong Kong schools. This status is referred to as Employment for Professionals. To apply for this license, workers must have adequate academic qualifications, a certain set of skills, and knowledge or experience related to Hong Kong.

The nicest thing about this is that the Hong Kong government did not impose a cap on immigration. In other words, there is no restriction on the number of employment visas available in Hong Kong! The V1 visa is only valid for a year. It can be extended after the expiration date.

Do I need a work visa to work in Hong Kong?

Because it is one of the most frequently asked questions about life in Hong Kong, it is essential to address it once again. Yes, a work permit (visa) is required to work lawfully in Hong Kong. This isn’t any different from anywhere else on Earth.

If you are visiting Hong Kong on a temporary basis, you must apply for a hong kong working visa under the General Employment Policy (GEP). This is true in every country and is governed by an established institution. The approval of a visitor visa is required for all non-residents. This procedure must be completed by all foreign employees. In Hong Kong, the Immigration Department handles work visas.

Keep the following items in mind when applying for and receiving a Hong Kong working visa:

Procedure for obtaining a work visa to Hong Kong

Form ID 990A is required to obtain a work visa to Hong Kong. Form ID 990B must be completed by businesses looking to hire candidates.

The following offices provide free application forms to anyone seeking a United States passport:

The following documents must be submitted by the applicant:

  1. You must have completed an online application for entering Hong Kong due to professional employment.
  1.  Photo.
  1. A copy of the applicant’s sound travel paper
  1. A copy of the applicant’s Hong Kong identity card.
  1. A copy of the educational qualification document, or a letter of acknowledgment from the tertiary institution.
  1. A proof of your qualification (and work experience if possible).
  1. A current working unit’s approval letter.

In order to have their accounts approved, employers must submit the following information:

  1. The registration form for professional services in Hong Kong.
  1. A photocopy of the firm’s letter of appointment to the applicant.
  1. A copy of the Business Registration Certificate
  1. Photocopy of your company’s financial statements or reports.
  1. Business documents including company information and background.
  1. A well-developed business plan is required for firms with a brief existence.

How long does a work visa to Hong Kong take to obtain?

All required documents must be submitted when submitting an IANG application. After receiving all necessary materials, applications are evaluated and processed in two weeks.

The time it takes to complete the work permit application is usually four weeks. Keep in mind that the Immigration Department will not be able to start processing your hong kong working visa until all of the necessary paperwor has been submitted! The director of Immigration is also granted significant discretion, which may be exercised to reject any application! This might happen even if the application fulfills or exceeds all conditions.

Wrap Up

Now that you’ve seen some of the most important information and ideas for addressing your employment visa application in Hong Kong, go over this guide one more time to make sure you’re prepared.

You can discover more about obtaining a work visa in Hong Kong on our website. If you fulfill all of the criteria, as you can see, getting a job in Hong Kong should not be difficult.

FastLane is ready to assist you with any questions you may have regarding work authorizations and other sorts of Hong Kong visas/permits.

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