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Staying Ahead of the Game: Mobile Gaming Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities in 2022

Staying Ahead of the Game Mobile Gaming Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities in 2022

Did you know that 21% of Android and 25% of iOS apps downloaded are games? This may be surprising because of the market shares of social media and dating apps. The market share of platforms like Facebook is impressive, yet it’s gaming that’s getting more and more popular. This includes online games, small game apps of classic games like Solitaire and even online gaming like Casumo Casino. It seems like this market is ever-growing and that it’s not going to stop anytime soon, given the importance of smartphones in our daily lives.

Mobile Gaming Challenges

Mobile gaming is already widely accepted, and all demographics owning smartphones partake in mobile gaming in one form or another. The main challenge mobile developers have to face is constantly engaging a player overwhelmed by information.

Some companies will use the game as a service with frequent updates to make players want to come back to the game. They also incentivise you while in-game with rewards for daily connections or performing auctions within the game. These methods have proven efficient, yet over time they lose effect, especially when overused. In-game ads are also a big part of downloading a game. Many players will try a game they see in an ad because the images used piqued their interest. However, this technique can lead players to uninstall the game quicker since many of these ads don’t show actual gameplay and rely on jokes or other techniques to make you click.

Mobile Casinos: New Opportunities

Online casinos are tremendously popular, and so are the mobile version of these sites. Only a few online casinos offer a downloadable app for iOS and Android devices. This is an opportunity that’s often neglected but can offer a more convenient experience to players with the possibility to play offline when they download their games beforehand.

Another interesting opportunity that’ll probably develop in mobile gaming is mobile VR (Virtual Reality). Right now, using VR means buying an expensive headset to play on your computer or console, but devices like Sony’s VR headset proved that you could build light gear with automatic parameters. In the future, smartphones may give us the possibility to play with VR on the go.

Augmented Reality (AR) is also quite popular since the success of titles like Pokemon GO and the possibility to accurately scan your environment to play a game is more than appealing to players. However, it requires a compelling franchise to gather many people and make it worth investing in for editors.

Mobile Gaming Isn’t Going Away

Given the popularity of little games to pass the time while in a waiting room to the engagement of full-fledged video games allowing you to play with graphics approaching older generations of consoles, mobile gaming isn’t going away anytime soon. On the contrary, even people who aren’t gamers are playing on their mobile devices, and it’s a method of entertainment that’s often preferred over more time-consuming movies or TV shows.

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