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What innovations have recently taken place in the world of web hosting?

What innovations have recently taken place in the world of web hosting?

Web hosting has been a service that has been around for more than a few decades now, yet that doesn’t mean that changes have stopped from occurring within this world. In fact, there are constant innovations that are taking place regarding web hosting. In this blog, we will discuss these innovations in more detail so that you can realise the potential of hosting services, even in this decade.

More types of hosting

The first innovation that has taken place in the world of web hosting is that there are more types of hosting. Before, there were only 1 or 2 types of hosting. However, consumer demand has caused very specific types of web hosting to be created. An example of this is web hosting for webshops through shopware or woocommerce hosting. There are many companies who provide a vast array of web hosting packages, such as Hypernode. This innovation has certainly given customers of web hosting a lot more flexibility.

Cloud hosting on the rise

The second innovation that users of web hosting services have noticed, is the rise of cloud hosting. Cloud hosting is a type of hosting that, as the name suggests, relies on hosting being placed on a cloud. This is an online decentralised server that has near unlimited data storage capabilities. Additionally, the cloud is known for being able to load data quickly, reducing loading times of webpages.

Extra features

Another innovation that has taken the world of web hosting to a new level is the fact that there are so many extra features available to choose for your hosting. Some hosting providers still only provide simple services, but others have chosen to offer services such as a free domain name or subdomain to choose from or even a website builder that you can use. These extra features have certainly changed the way people think about hosting.

An increase in data storage capacities

Finally, innovations have taken place regarding web hosting on the front of data storage. Whereas there was a limited amount of data storage on hosting servers before, this is no longer the case anymore. This is because of the fact that it is now possible to produce hardware that stores more data a lot easier now. The result of this is that terabytes of data storage are available now with some hosting providers.

In conclusion, it is safe to say that the world of web hosting has changed significantly in the last few decades due to the many innovations that have taken place. That is why it is a good idea to take a look at which of these innovations can be interesting for you when you are looking for web hosting services.

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