
7 Careers That Appeal to Nomadic Lifestyles

7 Careers That Appeal to Nomadic Lifestyles

The allure of the open road is a strong one for many of us. And these days, the combination of improved technology and changes in the employment world makes it easier than ever for those who want to enjoy a nomadic lifestyle while still being able to pay the bills. But as you might expect, certain jobs are better suited for life on the go than others. So let’s take a closer look at seven of the best for working nomads.

1. Sales

Many people view sales as a job that often requires travel and other trips away from home. But what if the road was your home? Traveling sales isn’t just the old stereotype of a door-to-door salesman with his items in his suitcase. Having a sales presence over several weeks or months in a location can help close critical deals and provide support and guidance in the aftermath. Without the expense of travel back and forth from your “home,” you’ll also save your business some extra money. Later, the traveling salesperson can move on to a new market with fresh opportunities. It can be a highly underrated way to establish critical footholds in many varying markets.

2. Travel Nursing

Just because you work in the medical field doesn’t mean you can’t travel full-time. In fact, there’s a tremendous demand for qualified healthcare professionals in the travel nursing industry. Traveling nurses take jobs ranging from a few weeks to a few months or more, traveling wherever the best suited roles for them are available. These days, it’s easier than ever to find gigs with popular travel nurse staffing services, along with apps and websites for job seekers and employers. Alternatively, you can search for jobs in specific areas you’d like to visit, enjoying the freedom to live nearly wherever you want, whenever you want. Compensation is highly competitive, which makes enjoying the best parts of nomad life easy and feasible in your free time.

 3. Writer/Blogger

Perhaps the ultimate nomad occupation, writers can ply their trade with few things other than a laptop and an internet connection  – and sometimes, without even those! Writers can work as full-time employees or join the ranks of the freelancers, acquiring clients online and from your various destinations. Some may even be lucky enough to get paid to write about their destinations, either for an established publication or on their own blog. The latter can be a challenging but lucrative revenue source, allowing bloggers to take advantage of affiliate marketing, ad revenue, and other streams.

4. Teaching

Teachers shouldn’t feel stuck in one place – they can live the full-time travel life too! Remote learning and distance education is more common and accepted than ever since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether on their own or through services that match instructors and students, teachers can often find plenty of private clients in subjects ranging from the sciences and math to the English language. Rarer or more specialized subjects often fetch the highest wages, but many find it comparable to their current salaries. Teachers with a longer-term travel plan can even stop in various areas for school years or semesters at a time to teach in person before moving on to another destination.

5. Hospitality and Tourism

People in this broad category can range from resort and cruise ship workers to outdoor adventure guides, but all of them are able to live the nomadic lifestyle with ease. Hospitality workers often travel as the seasons change, with snowbirds swelling Florida and Arizona resorts in wintertime and more northern parts of the country as the summer months arrive. The same goes for guide types, who may do different varieties of work in different regions according to their experience.

6. Photography/Videography

Skilled photographers and videographers will find nearly limitless opportunities on the road, no matter their specialty. Nature and landscape enthusiasts will find no shortage of new and incredible landscapes while exploring the country and the world, while wedding or event documentarians can find clients from all over instead of waiting around for a single busy “season.” All photographers and videographers need is their equipment, which is typically relatively compact and can be stored in a van, mobile home, or even checked on an airplane. With a suitable portfolio and good references, these creatives can live life where they want indefinitely!

7. Musician/Performer

It’s a dream for many young guitar players, actors, and other performer types – hitting the road to ply their trade on the stages (or street corners) of the nation. Many performers are practically required to live a nomadic life as they travel where the gigs are available. While only the most talented and hardworking will be able to make it work for the long term, it can be worth a shot for those with some talent and a dream.

Nomadic Careers Are Waiting For Those With Wanderlust, Determination, and Skills

If the highway is calling or you just need to hop that next plane overseas, you’ve got plenty of options for earning the cash to do so. It’s more possible than ever, whether you’ve got specialized training in travel nursing or music or you’re a dedicated teacher or hospitality worker. So consider your skills to find your dream nomad occupation – and then hit the road!

About author

Carl Herman is an editor at DataFileHost enjoys writing about the latest Tech trends around the globe.