
8 Personality tests You Should Take Before Applying For A Job

8 Personality tests You Should Take Before Applying For A Job

When it comes to finding a job, many factors come into play. Salary, job responsibilities, and company culture are all essential aspects to consider. However, one critical factor that is often overlooked is personality. Understanding your personality can help you determine what type of work environment is best for you, and what type of job you will thrive in.

Tests you should take before taking a job.

  1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is one of the most popular personality tests available. It categorised people into 16 different personality types based on four different dichotomies: extroversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling, and judging vs. perceiving. The test helps you understand your strengths, weaknesses, and how you interact with others.

Knowing your Myers-Briggs type can help you determine what type of job environment is best for you. For example, if you are an introvert, you may prefer a job that allows you to work independently, while extroverts may prefer a job that requires social interaction.

  1. Big Five Personality Traits: The Big Five Personality Traits are another commonly used personality test. The test measures five different traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These traits can help you understand your work style, your communication style, and your ability to handle stress.

Understanding your Big Five Personality Traits can help you determine what type of job you will excel in. For example, individuals who score high in conscientiousness are typically reliable and organised, making them well-suited for jobs that require attention to detail.

  1. Enneagram: The Enneagram is a personality test that categorises people into nine different types based on their core motivations and fears. The test helps you understand your core desires and what drives you. This information can be valuable when considering your career goals and what type of job will fulfil you. For example, if you are an Enneagram Type 2, you may be driven by the desire to help others and make a difference. This may lead you to consider a job in social work or healthcare.
  1. DISC Assessment: The DISC Assessment measures four different personality traits: dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness. The test helps you understand how you interact with others, what motivates you, and what type of work environment is best for you.

Knowing your DISC Psychometric Assessment results can help you determine what type of job environment you will excel in. For example, individuals who score high in dominance may prefer a job that allows them to take charge and make decisions, while those who score high in conscientiousness may prefer a job that requires attention to detail and precision.

  1. StrengthsFinder: StrengthsFinder is a personality test that helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses. The test measures 34 different strengths and provides you with a list of your top five strengths. Understanding your strengths can help you find a job that allows you to utilise your strengths and excel in your role. For example, if your top strength is communication, you may excel in a job that requires you to communicate with others regularly, such as sales or marketing.
  1. Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI): The HPI is a personality test designed to measure an individual’s typical behaviour, underlying motives, and values. The test assesses seven primary scales: adjustment, ambition, sociability, interpersonal sensitivity, prudence, inquisitive, and learning approach. The HPI can be useful for identifying potential strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential sources of conflict in the workplace.
  1. Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS): The KTS is a personality test that categorises people into four temperaments: guardians, artisans, rationals, and idealists. The test is based on the theory that there are four basic personality types, and each type has a unique set of values, goals, and communication styles. The KTS can be useful for understanding your work style, communication style, and how you interact with others.
  1. HEXACO Personality Inventory: The HEXACO Personality Inventory is a personality test that assesses an individual’s personality across six dimensions: honesty-humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience. The test is based on the theory that personality can be divided into six broad domains, and each domain is made up of multiple facets. The HEXACO can provide insight into an individual’s work style, communication style, and how they interact with others.

Taking personality tests before taking a job can also help you identify potential areas of conflict in the workplace. For example, if you know that you are an introvert and your job requires a lot of social interaction, you may need to develop strategies to help you manage your energy and cope with the demands of your job.

Understanding your personality can help you communicate more effectively with your colleagues and supervisors. If you know that you are a visual learner, you may be able to communicate more effectively with a supervisor who prefers to use diagrams and visual aids when explaining complex concepts.

It is also important to note that personality tests should not be used to make hiring decisions. Employers should use personality tests as a tool to help employees understand themselves better and to create a more harmonious work environment. However, personality tests should never be used to discriminate against job applicants or to make hiring decisions based solely on personality traits.


Taking personality tests before taking a job can help you gain valuable insight into your work style, communication style, and core motivations. By understanding your personality, you can find a job that you will excel in and enjoy. However, it is important to remember that personality tests should not be used to discriminate against job applicants or to make hiring decisions based solely on personality traits.

If you are a fresher and if you want to improve your personality by giving online tests then i will recommend you Mercer | Mettl.  Mercer | Mettl is an online assessment platform that offers a range of psychometric assessments, including personality tests, cognitive ability tests, and behavioural assessments. These assessments are designed to help individuals and organisations make informed decisions about hiring, training, and development.

About author

Carl Herman is an editor at DataFileHost enjoys writing about the latest Tech trends around the globe.