
How is JavaScript Constructed: A Deep Dive into its Origins and Evolution

How is JavaScript Constructed: A Deep Dive into its Origins and Evolution

JavaScript is a versatile programming language that has become an integral part of web development. But have you ever wondered how JavaScript itself is constructed? In this article, we’ll delve into the origins and evolution of JavaScript, exploring the base code it is written in, its key components, and the engine that powers its execution.

The Building Blocks: JavaScript Language Features

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm, dynamic language that supports object-oriented programming and functional programming. Its syntax is influenced by languages like Java and C, making it familiar to developers with a background in those languages. JavaScript offers a range of data types, including numbers, strings, booleans, symbols, and objects.

Data Types in JavaScript

JavaScript provides seven primitive data types: Number, BigInt, String, Boolean, Symbol, Undefined, and Null. Numbers in JavaScript can be integers or floating-point values, and the language does not distinguish between them. However, experience has shown that using floating-point arithmetic in JavaScript can sometimes lead to imprecise results, so beware.

BigInt, is a relatively new addition to JavaScript, and allows for the representation of arbitrarily large integers (which incidentally are different from ‘sufficiently large’). It behaves similar to C’s integer types and supports standard arithmetic operations. Strings in JavaScript are sequences of Unicode characters, allowing for the representation of text in various languages and character sets, this being on the language’s strengths..

Functions in JavaScript

Functions are a fundamental part of JavaScript. They are objects that can be called and passed around like any other object. JavaScript supports both object-oriented programming and functional programming paradigms, making functions versatile and powerful. They can be created using function declarations or expressions and can be assigned to variables or passed as arguments to other functions.

Variables and Control Structures

Variables are used to store and manipulate data in JavaScript. They can be declared using the keywords var, let, or const. var allows for function-scoped variables, while let and const introduce block-scoped variables. const variables are constants that cannot be reassigned, while let variables can be reassigned within their scope.

Arrays and Objects

JavaScript has built-in objects like Arrays and Objects that allow for more complex data manipulation. Arrays are used to store multiple values in an ordered sequence, while Objects are used to represent collections of key-value pairs. These objects can be nested and provide a flexible way to structure and organize data in JavaScript.

The Origins: JavaScript’s Creation and the Role of C and C++

JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 while he was working at Netscape Communications Corporation. Eich was tasked with developing a scripting language for web browsers, this allowing for client side handling of certain functions, something very much needed when the available bandwidth was too low to allow basic functions to be handled server side. Here he drew inspiration from existing programming languages like Java, Scheme (a part of the Lisp family), and Self (which actually started out as a dialect of Smalltalk)..

To implement JavaScript, Eich chose to write it in C, a widely used and low-level programming language known for its efficiency and control. C provided the necessary foundation for building a high-level language like JavaScript. Later, as JavaScript evolved, C++ was also employed to enhance and extend its capabilities.

C++ is an extension of C that introduced features like classes and objects, making it easier to manage and organize code. By utilizing C and C++, JavaScript was able to achieve the performance and flexibility required for web development.

The Evolution: JavaScript Engines and Modern Implementations

JavaScript has come a long way since its humble beginnings. Today, most modern web browsers employ JavaScript engines to interpret and execute JavaScript code, indeed it has become so important that switching it off can often make a webpage unsable!. These engines convert JavaScript code into lower-level or machine code that can be understood and executed by the computer.

One of the most widely used JavaScript engines is the V8 engine, developed by Google and used in their Chrome browser and Node.js runtime environment. V8 is primarily written in C++, taking advantage of its performance and versatility. The engine’s design focuses on optimizing JavaScript execution speed, enabling faster and more efficient web applications.

Other popular JavaScript engines include SpiderMonkey (used in Mozilla Firefox), JavaScriptCore (used in Apple’s Safari), and Chakra (used in Microsoft Edge). Each engine has its own unique features and optimizations, but they all share the goal of providing a seamless and performant JavaScript experience to users.


JavaScript, is a language that powers the modern web, and is constructed using a combination of C and C++ (whilst also having links with numerous other older languages). Together these ancestors provide the necessary foundation and control to implement the high-level language that JavaScript has become.

Understanding the construction of JavaScript gives us a deeper appreciation for the layers of technology and innovation that underpin the digital experiences we enjoy today, this understanding also helping you to produce programmes in a far faster and more efficient manner.

As you embark on your journey as a JavaScript developer, remember the intricate layers of technology that make it all possible. Embrace the language’s features, experiment with its control structures, and leverage its vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks to create amazing web applications.

About author

Carl Herman is an editor at DataFileHost enjoys writing about the latest Tech trends around the globe.