
What is Document Generation?

What is Document Generation?

You may be confronted with such a concept as document generation when running any business. It is a technique by which important business documents are automatically created. For example: invoices, contracts, commercial proposals and others.

If you use the right tools in document composition, it’s easy to create digital documents. Different templates and branding are available for this. Each company can create them, taking into account its own requirements.

You can specify certain rules in advance to extract information from a different number of CRM systems. The appropriate software you will use to create the documents will help define the requirements for the documents. These will be established and applied each next time.

The Purpose of Using Document Generation

The automation of document creation saves time and money. The main benefits are the following:

  • improved customer service;
  • no need to use paperwork;
  • reducing the number of human errors;
  • fast creation of documents.

The possibility of eliminating human errors is very important. When you use reliable document creation software, you won’t need to cut and recheck typos, errors and other nuances. With automated document generation, it’s not difficult to eliminate the elements of human mistakes. It’s consistently easy to create documents quickly and without any errors.

Employees can work more efficiently by generating documents quickly. It is possible to close business deals within a few minutes. Invoices are also created faster. It is easy to grow a business thanks to these advantages.

The software makes it possible to apply approved templates. They are used to easily and quickly create documents in different formats. For example, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF. Document generation is used in any area of business. Its main functions are the following:

  1. Contact management. This is an excellent way to expand the capabilities of your sales team. It is easy to create contracts based on data. You can instantly close business deals and give contracts new life.
  2. Customer requirement. Getting rid of time-consuming paperwork will not only please customers, but also employees. Automated document creation speeds up the work process and makes it better.
  3. Credit processing. The quick creation of loan applications directs them to the appropriate department for review, decision, and electronic signature. The document can then be sent back to the applicant. The approval of the credit is quick and easy.
  4. Employee adaptation. It is easy to create a contract with employees in a matter of seconds. You can add as many new members to your business team as you want to get more value out of your company.

Document creation is one of the processes that is included in the lifecycle. A document generation platform can be used for this. For example, Nintex Process. With such a tool, it is easy to manage your business. The document routing has a significant impact on the optimization of different processes. With the help of this platform, it is possible to perform such activities:

  • business process correlation;
  • creating a mobile application;
  • fast data processing;
  • automatic generation of documents;
  • digital signatures and approvals.

Choose the appropriate tools to develop your business. The efficiency of your employees depends on it. If you organize this process, it will have a positive impact on the way you run your business.

PandaDoc for Document Generation

The startup PandaDoc is widely used in running a business. This is a popular web editor that can be used to easily create and generate documents. State-of-the-art tools often appear in PandaDoc, which are easy to use for document management.

There are ready-made templates of contracts and agreements. Based on them, employees can easily create professional documents. At the same time, there is no need to use the services of a designer. This way, you can save money. In addition, it is allowed to customize templates.

There is a great opportunity to modify different documents in the editor, to make them interactive. This is a distinctive advantage from typical Word editors, as well as PDF files. Sales department employees will easily keep track of statistics on working with the document. The information about page count, page view time and other information is displayed. The editor provides the function of importing documents that were previously created in Word or other programs.

The PandaDoc program was created in 2011. The number of users who choose this tool increases from year to year. There are more than 250 employees working on this project, and the number of clients is approaching 20,000. The platform helps create the proper workflow and make it easy to conduct business.

About author

Carl Herman is an editor at DataFileHost enjoys writing about the latest Tech trends around the globe.